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  • Migration: The existing paper-pencil exams were migrated to computer-aided exams respective e-examinations with the help of TestStudios

  • Extension of possibilities: The integartion integration of numerous task formats such as multiple choice, drag&drop, long menu, marking, cloze text and free text questions including the possibility of integrating, for example, audio, videos or graphics and images

  • Repositories: Creating and setting up question pools or repositories from the exams of semesters past for the easier compilation of exams in the future

  • Fraud proofing: Randomization of the question sequence order and the answer sequence order in order to minimize the risk of students trying to copy each other

  • Safeguarding for errors and shutdowns: immediate saving and storage of all of the exam data entered by the students on the examination server in the university-own data center of ZEDAT

  • Saving time: Automatic evaluation of closed task formats and a quick manual evaluation of open question formats as no time is lost due to unreadable handwriting  

  • Quality assurance: Through statistic modules (selectivity etc.), through the students' feedback that the TestStudio registers 


  • For e-examinations the same requirements with regard to content are valid from an examination-didactic viewpoint as with the traditional paper-pencil exams. 
  • The numerous possible task formats offers possibilities that surpass the traditional paper-pencil exams. Electronic exams can, for example, be enriched with multimedia and interactive elements.
  • Within the frame of the migration of traditional to computer-aided examinations the e-examination team of CeDiS can gladly help and offer its services.
  • In the first step there is a joint consideration which computer-aided task format is the optimal solution for each and every question posed.
  • Hereby it is taken into account that the very clear formulation of a question - for closed tasks also the clear-cut formulation of answer possibilities - is also essential for e-examinations. Technically seen the TestStudio can be operated quite intuitively,
    • epecially especially when the rigt right didactic realization is chosen and
    • in addition, possibilities for the minimization of the time requirement is used up in the evaluation phase. 
  • Within the frame of the migration process, the e-examination team demonstrates to lecturers - based on their previous exam questions - how the migration from a paper-pencil exam to an e-examination can be undertaken on a step-to-step basis. 
  • Most of the e-examinations at the Freie Universität are undertaken in the E-Examination Center in which 151 places are available on an exclusive basis for computer-aided exams.
