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CLARe3, FU Berlin, March 6–8, 2017 – International Conference

Encounters in Language and Aging Research: Pragmatic Spaces, Longitudinal studies, Multilingualism

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and follow us on Twitter: #clare3

CLARe4 Helsinki

27 February–1 March, 2019

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Peter Backhaus (WASEDA University, Tokyo): Communication in institutional eldercare: A Japanese perspective R. Harald Baayen (Universität Tübingen / University of Alberta, Edmonton), Susanne Gahl (University of California, Berkeley): Twenty‐eight years of vowels: An investigation of changes in vowel formants and vowel duration in the Up corpus Heidi E. Hamilton Georgetown University): Language, dementia and meaningmaking in art galleries and homes: Objects of joint attention as resources for transforming knowledge, building topics and lifting spirits Yoshiko Matsumoto (Stanford University): Being ordinary: A powerful narrative strategy when feeling vulnerable Heather H. Wright (East Carolina University): Discourse Changes with Age: Considering microlinguistic and macrolinguistic processes.

  Freie Universität Berlin [Read more ...]

Corpora in Language and Aging Research

The Corpora for Language and Aging Research initiative (CLARe) aims at exploring language in later life through the glasses of linguists working on authentic language data.

The group has been created at the initiative of Catherine BOLLY and Annette GERSTENBERG in April 2014.


"It is ultimately inadequate to characterize the linguistic dimension of normal social ageing as the avoidance of decremental pathologies" (Coupland / Coupland 1990, 452)

"Qualsiasi generalizzazione in merito alle capacità linguistiche degli Anziani è sconveniente e fuorviante" (Taddei Gheiler 2005, 20)

"Alte Menschen sind nicht Mitglieder einer homogenen Kategorie. Genau das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Altern ist gekennzeichnet durch Plastizität (Formbarkeit), Variabilität zwischen Funktionen und Personen und ein hohes Maß an biografischer Individualität. Erst die Pathologie wie die Altersdemenz setzt dieser Vielfalt deutlichere Grenzen, zumindest was die Entwicklungsrichtung betrifft" (Baltes 2007, 16)


Baltes, Paul B. (2007): «Alter(n) als Balanceakt». Gruss, Peter (ed.): Die Zukunft des Alterns. Die Antwort der Wissenschaft. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. München: C.H. Beck, 15–34.

Coupland, Nicholas / Coupland, Justine (1990): «Language and Later Life». Giles, Howard / Robinson, Peter (eds.): Handbook of language and social psychology. Chichester, et al.: Wiley, 451–467.

Taddei Gheiler, Franca (2005): La lingua degli anziani. Locarno: Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana.
