This is the page to announce social and other events among the participants of the Thematic Einstein Semester on Algebraic Geometry.

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  1. Anonym sagt:

    D-Modules Dinner + Exercises

    Participants interested in preparing for the Exercises Session scheduled on Wednesday can join Anna-Laura for dinner on Tuesday at 18:30 at Restaurant Luise

    Let Anna-Laura know if you are interested in joining.

  2. Anonym sagt:

    Social Event: Berlin Coffee Festival 2019


    "A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems." Following Erdös' popular aphorism we visit the finale of the Berlin Coffee Festival 2019 and explore the big variety of coffee flavours. At the festival Berlin's most recognized roasteries and cafes will present their best coffees. Furthermore, you can inform yourself about the whole process of making coffee - from harvest via roasting until the way of preparation (handfilter, portafilter, french press, ...). This is the perfect environment for participants of the fall school/opening conference and especially for long term guests of the TES to get to know each other.

    The festival finale takes place in Markthalle Neun on Sunday, 6th October from 11am until 6pm.

    If you are interested in attending please write until Friday, 4th October 9pm an email to:

    (So far, it is planned to meet at 11:30 am.)

    More information:

    Likely, the entry costs 8€ (this includes trying the presented coffees (Zwinkern)). Note, that I don't guarantee the information on the costs!

    Please bring your own cup or use the offered deposit cups. (The festival is free of disposable cups.)


    Philipp (Reichenbach)

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