
  1. Engage the participants and make them feel comfortable with using their body. Just let them shake out their body a little.
  2. Explaining the game:
    1. Each group has to think about a setting they want to set their dialogue in (e.g.: classroom, bus stop, at home...)
    2. Group members will act out their dialogue, but they are only allowed to use one word (syllable, explanation...) which they have to use creatively (change stress, repeat syllables...). Therefore, a word consisting of two or more syllables makes sense.
    3. The group not acting, has to guess the setting and what the dialogue is about.

Target group and Time

Especially good for beginners of language learners, but suitable for any age.

With two teams performing, one needs around 12 min. (1 min warm up, 2 min explanation, 3 min preparation, 2x2 min performance & guessing, 2 min feedback)

Learning objectives

-Participants should become comfortable with using a new language without cramping or being afraid of making mistakes. 

-Participants get a feeling for the language's speech melody.

Instructions to set up the activity

Min. 2 groups of min. 2 members

Letting it run

The most important part while the activity runs is supporting the groups in finding a suitable setting & conversation which is not too easy and not too difficult to guess. 

  • Keine Stichwörter