
Adobe Connect is a web conference system with which online meetings, courses, examinations and project meetings can be undertaken. The software, through diverse features such as video and audio release, chat, polling and screen sharing, allows for its implementation in various different teaching and learning scenarios. In addition, the possibility of recording also exists. Thereby all events within the online room can be recorded and can be made accessible to other people via a link. In order to use Adobe Connect no installation is necessary. The web conference system is provided to lecturers at Freie Universität Berlin via the cost-free service of the DFN (Deutsche Forschungsnetz / German National Research and Education Network).


Due to the Corona pandemic and the connected increase in the usage of web conferences it has become necessary to introduce a new web conference system at the Freie Universität Berlin. Hereby it should be ensured that lecturers and students can undertake and complete a successful study semester. Since the start of April all FU members can use the Webex software provided by Cisco. The implementation forms and scenarios are also possible in the new program. Handouts on the registration, installation and usage of the Webex software can be found in the Webex wiki.

Tale of contents

Implementation forms

With web conferences you can, for example:

  • Post a lecture online and allow external guests to join in (recording possible)
  • Invite an expert (external guest) to the online lecture
  • Supervise an internship abroad or a final thesis
  • Hold an office hour
  • Hold a bachelor or master's defense
  • Provide the learners with virtual work rooms
  • Offer training courses such as webinars

Practical examples at the Freie Universität


  • First steps and FAQ for lecturers at Freie Universität: Web conferences
  • Further material can be found in  

Data protection and terms of use

  • The usage of Adobe Connect is possible for lecturers of Freie Universität Berlin without any costs incurring. You can register via the Blackboard courses and then set up web conference rooms: Web conferences
  • If you have any legal questions on data protection, data safety, protection of intellectual property rights etc. that crop up during the design phase of a course supported by e-learning, the usage of existing material or the implementation of tools then please contact the Office of the General Counsel of the Freie Universität Berlin. Written information on these topics can be found here and here.

Further information

Support offered by CeDiS

  • Consulting services for the implementation of digital solutions in teaching: The Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) has extensive experience of many years when it comes to the implementation of digital media and systems within the fields of teaching, learning and research. We offer a wide variety of consulting services on the implementation of these tools and systems within the entire academic scope and especially at Freie Universität Berlin. 
  • Training courses and workshops: For lecturers at Freie Universität Berlin (professors, employees, tutors) as well as lecturers of other universities CeDiS offers training courses and workshops on the topic of teaching and learning with digital media. These course enable participants to implement online elements within their own sphere of teaching.
  • The Executive Board of the Freie Universität supports e-learning initiatives: With the e-learning funding program financial resources are provided to lecturers that enrich and improve their courses quality-wise by implementing technological and media-related support. All of the academic staff teaching, the lecturers or even the institutions of the Freie Universität - without the Charité-Universitätsmedizin - can be supported within this program. 

