Please find below guidelines for presentations of papers, commentators, session chairs, and lightning talks.
Guidelines for Presenters
- Please focus your presentation on the core ideas and results of your paper; there is not enough time to present all the interesting stuff.
- Presentations must not take longer than 15 minutes to ensure every presenter gets the same amount of time to present his or her ideas and that there is time for questions and discussions – session chairs are instructed to enforce this rule.
- Bring your slides on a USB stick in a portable format, preferably PDF, and upload it to the presentation laptop before your session – we thus ask you to arrive at least 15 minutes before the session begins.
- Since we will publish the slides of all talks after the conference, we kindly ask you to send the final version of your slides in PDF-format to
- When presenting, please make sure you speak slowly and clearly. English is not everyone's first language.
Guidelines for Commentators
- In each session, the commentator should try to connect the presented papers qualitatively to one another and provide both critical assessment and constructive recommendations for improving the works and/or further research.
- After reading the papers, we suggest preparing a one page review of each of the papers, which you could also give to the presenters afterwards. Based on these short reviews, the comments for all papers together must not be longer than 10 minutes in total to leave time for questions and discussion.
- We leave it up to the commentators whether they wish to prepare slides for their comments; if you choose to do so, please bring your slides on a USB stick in a portable format, preferably PDF, and upload it to the presentation laptop before your session – we therefore ask you to arrive at least 15 minutes before the session begins to prepare.
Guidelines for Session Chairs
The main tasks of the session chair are to:
- Welcome the audience and introduce the presenters
- Keep track of and – when necessary – enforce the schedule: 15 minutes per presentation, 10 minutes for the commentator, the rest for discussion
- Moderate the discussion, collect questions and, when necessary, remind participants to keep it short and simple
- Please check that all presenters and the commentator have uploaded their slides in PDF-format before the session begins – we therefore ask you to arrive at least 15 minutes before the session begins.
Guidelines for Presenters in the Lightning Talk Session
- A lightning talk is meant to convey the core idea of your research in the most condensed form. A lightning talk must not take longer than 5 minutes.
- If you have prepared a poster, we suggest bringing it as a visual prop for your lightning talk. Pin boards will be provided. Alternatively, you may choose to just give a talk or bring slides (not more than 5) on a USB stick in a portable format, preferably PDF, and upload it to the presentation laptop before your session – we therefore ask you to arrive at least 15 minutes before the session begins.
- Since we would like publish the slides of all talks after the conference, we kindly ask you to send the final version of your slides in PDF-format to
- When presenting, make sure you speak slowly and clearly. English is not everyone's first language.