h5. _Name of Sand, geographical origin_ | _insert here an image of the area/surroundings_ | | _insert here a macro image_ | | _replace this with the caption to image above_ \\ {table-cell:width=30%} {table-cell} | _replace this with the caption to image above_ | | *Location* \\ | _replace this with text about location/coordinates_ | | *Depositional facies* \\ | _replace this with text about the dep facies_ | | *Provenance* \\ | _replace this with text about provenance of the sand_ | | *Composition* \\ | _replace this with text about composition_ | | *Texture* | _replace this with text about texture_ | h6. Petrographic thin section: | *Description* | _insert here short description of thin section_ | | _insert here a bright field image_ | | _insert here a dark field image_ | | Bright field \\ {table-cell:width=30%} {table-cell} | Dark field | | *Sample number* | _replace this with sample number_ | | *Collector* | _replace this with name and institution of collector_ | | *Date of sampling* | _replace this with date of sampling_ | h6. Comments: _replace this text with further comments about the sand ecc._ _replace this text with link to daughter page with additional data (Additional data page)_