Versionen im Vergleich


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When the basic pattern is established and every student understands the rules, the next level will be introduced. It es is recommendable to have the teacher introducing introduce the new rules each time. The rules remain the same, except for the key words. The leader goes around the circle touching each player on the shoulder saying different ice cream flavours each time. During the second level, the players have to pay attention to find the "intruder". the The leader, suddenly, says a word which is not an ice cream flavour, e.g. tomatoe, cucumber , or kepab (here. (Here, according to the knowledge of the students, the teacher can establish a category they like, such as e.g. vegetables according to the knowledge of the students). vegetables.) Then the touched player has to chase around the circle to arrive at the old spot before the leader does. If the leader does not arrive before the player, it is their turn again, otherwise the player goes on. Etc.

After a couple of rounds, there will be established the next and most difficult level is established. Now, the leader has to go around the cirlcecircle, touching every player on the shoulder, saying a true sentence, as in "Strawberries are red.", "Chocolate is brown.", "Watermelon is green/ red.", until the leader tells a lie as in "Pineapples are pink." . The players have to listen carefully to tell which is a lie, and then, the player touched, recognizing the lie has to run. Etc. 

Have fun! (Lächeln)