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Apr 29: Dominik Neu & Björn Schreiner: "Development of new 3D and VR products for Mars".

May 6: Thomas Roatsch & Ernst Hauber: "Overview about recent and future science activities at the DLR institute of Planetary Research". (postponed)
May 6: Filip Matuszewski: "Estimating the number of exoplanets that PLATO can detect".

May 13: Holiday - no seminar

May 20: Thomas Roatsch & Ernst Hauber: "Overview about recent and future science activities at the DLR institute of Planetary Research".

May 27: Brennan Lutkewitte: "Orbital reconstruction of cosmic dust encountered at Saturn".May 27: tbd

Winter term 2020/2021:

Nov 5: Subgroup reports and Maximilian Hamm, "Dust on the surface of Ryugu"
