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The target group for this wiki page is foreign language teachers of children who want to use the app with their classes. To make a message learners should be between 7 and 17 years old. (There are no age limits for teachers to help.) The time to record and upload a message can be completed in a few minutes, but this is only if the student learner knows what to say and the app doesn't crash. If the focus of the project is more collaborative, (children should do research before creating the message or should share messages with their classmates as a way to practice and receive feedback), several school lessons can may be needed.

Here are several sample messages students from the Freie Universität Berlin helped children from a grade 6 class to make during the spring of 2021.


Decide on gestures and which object you want to give a voice to. (Explain relevant grammatical points if age appropriate.)

1. Student The teacher gestures and speaks every word. Child speaks. (Student Teacher makes notes of difficult sounds.)

2. Gesture puzzle A. (A "gesture puzzle" simply means words are gestured out of order.)

Pause to clarify pronunciation issues, then continue with the puzzle.

3. Gesture puzzle B. (child gestures words out of order)

(Student Teacher makes notes of which words the child did not choose. These are the ones which probably need more practice. Repeat beginning with step 1 if necessary.)


6. Have the child write their phrase down on a piece of paper. Include the following information: 1) Which object is speaking and 2) what does the object want to say? (They The child should tell you when they are done and hold up their paper for you to see if working online.)

7. Congratulate them for their efforts and say you will look for their message on the Earth Speakr website.
