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Nov 16: Sebastian Walter: "Coregistration of large heterogeneous datasets of planetary surfaces for the systematic creation of global image and topography models" and Frank Postberg: "Overview over the final tour of Europa flybys selected for the Europa Clipper mission"

Nov 23: Fabian Klenner: "Latest results from the FU Planetary Science Astrobiology lab"

Nov 30: Gene Schmidt: "Composition, mapping and lithostratigraphy of layered deposits on Mars"

Dec 12: Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Laura Patermann: "Oxia Planum: The Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover"

Dec 14: Imaging Subgroup report; Seminar talk: TBD

Dec 21: TBD

Jan 04: No seminar

Summer term 2021:

Apr 15: Subgroup report and Arnaud Sanderink, "Overview of Orbitrap for space application".
