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Here is the link to the overleaf project D3.1

Status: first version sent to Salvatore, feedback received,


            Status: first version readydraft by me passed. Here in the link

            Next deadline: internal review by SCHUFA 12.12


D5.2 Training Report (Leader: UNI-KLU; participation: all) Reports on planning and implementation of training activities and resources.

            &&            Status: first draft by me passed. Here in the link

D5.3 Supervision Report (Leader: GESIS-CSS; participation: all) Reports on the regular supervisor forum meetings.

            &&            Status: first draft by me passed. Here in the link

D6.1: Dissemination Report (Leader: LUH/L3S; participation: all)

            &&            tbd

D6.2: Exploitation Report (Leader: CERTH; participation: all)

            Satus: ongoing

            Next deadline: Internal review 15.12 (share with you for your comments tomorrow)            Status: first draft by me passed. Here in the link