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May 05: Imaging Subgroup report and Janine Bönigk: "Analogue experiments with Sphingopyxis alaskensis for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains from Enceladus and Europa“

May 11 (13: 45): Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Frank Postberg, "Update on NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission to investigate the habitability of Jupiter’s Ocean Moon" (Attention, Wednesday, not Thursday!)


Jun 02: Mark Fox-Powell, "Experimental insights into the products of cryovolcanism at Enceladus and other ocean worlds"

Jun 09: tbdErica Luzzi, "Unravelling the geological history of chaotic terrains on Mars with multiple approaches"

Jun 16: tbdRobert Munteanu, "Spatial data management and provision and the benefit for planetary research"

Jun 23: tbdPietro Matteoni, "On the philososphical and societal implications of astrobiology"

Jun 30: tbd

Jul 07: tbd

Jul 14: Demetrius Ramette, "Modeling the Martian dust cycle: On the role of surface dust reservoirs"
