Versionen im Vergleich


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This learning activity is the perfect game to motivate children to speak and act at the same time. Describing a word can be difficult sometimes, but acting it out might be very helpful for students. It helps them remember the words more easily and to get active which increases their concentration.

Target group and Time

The game can be used for any target group if the difficulty level is adjusted. The time can also vary and depends on the number of participants. A recommendation would be 30 seconds per participant. 

Learning objectives

The focus of this learning activity is vocabulary. Through acting out the words, it is easier to keep them in mind. But during this game, the pupils also have the opportunity to train their speaking skills if they want to. It is up to them if they want to use their body to describe the word or explain it verbally. 

Instructions to set up the activity

First, choose words that match the level of difficulty of your target group. If they are 5th graders, consider choosing easier words, such as nouns (food, profession, sports) and if they are in 10th grade, you can easily include more specific words. Then print those words on paper and cut them out, so that you get strips of paper with a word written on it. Before the game starts, divide the participants into two or more groups (depending on how many participants). If it is a group of six people, two groups would be perfect, for example Team A and Team B.

Letting it run

When the game begins, the first player from Team A comes to the front, picks a slip of paper with a word written on it that the other members of the group will have to guess. The first player then has 30 seconds (or more) to describe as many words as possible. Each word they guess right will get them one point. After the 30 seconds, the points are counted and then it is Team B's turn. 
