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Welcome on Wiki pages of the Biolab of the Organic Chemistry, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Research Building SupraFAB, Freie Universität Berlin. The Biolab is situated Arnimallee 22 (construction part C, ground floor, rooms E002, E004, E027, E031, E031). An additional cell culture lab is located Takustr. 6 (room K004). The shared Altensteinstr. 23a. The multi-user labs can be used by scientists and students of the institutedepartment Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy and the Physics Department as well as guests. The labs are equipped for a broad range of methods and techniques e in the field of protein biochemistry, cell biology and , molecular biology and microscopy. The Biolab The Biolab Wiki provides information about available Instrumentation instrumentation & Techniquestechniques, instrument booking via the AG Haag Instruments Calendar OpenIRIS as well as Biolab Organization biolab organization including data handling, cell line, virus and bacterial strain collection, lab access and safety regulations. For individual support in biology related issues please contact the Biolab Teamteam.


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