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Arnimallee 22, room E002/E004/E027Takustr. 6, room K004114.5, 114.6, 114.7, 115,5, 115.6, 115.7, 027.1

Responsible persons

Katharina Achazi, phone: 59145,

Stefanie Wedepohl, phone 58721,

Elisa Quaas, Arnimallee 22, lab E027, phone: 63652, mail:

Johanna Scholz, Arnimallee 22, lab E027, phone: 71087, mail:


→ Maintain the sterility of materials inside e.g. cell cultures


  • for the system Altensteinstr. 23 a: all users must gain permission to work in the Biolabs and access to the “Zellbio-users” network drive by attending the Biosafety instructions (--> Katharina Achazi)
  • all users must get an introduction to the device by the responsible person
  • mark the time slot at which you want to do a measurement in the calendar, to avoid conflict with other user’s plansplan
  • DO NOT use solvents or other evaporating hazardous substances or gases inside the biosafety cabinet as they are no fume hoods and the HEPA-filtered air is circulating back in the room
  • DO NOT work with bacteria or viruses in the cell culture benches → for handling bacteria contact Elisa Quaas
  • Biosafety cabinets must be cleaned once a month with water and soap and wiped afterwards with 70% ethanoldesinfectant acccotding to the hygiene guide
  • Biosafety cabinets need to be tested by an authorized service once a year
