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Altensteinstr. 23, 115114.14

Responsible Person:

  • Marie Weinhart → the flow cytometer belongs to AG Weinhart an Marie Weinhart needs to be contacted to get the permission to use the device
  • Johanna Scholz, Arnimallee 22, lab E027, phone: 71087Stefanie Wedepohl, mail:

Type of measurement:

Flow cytometry (FCM) is a technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles. In this process, a sample containing cells or particles is suspended in a fluid and injected into the flow cytometer instrument. The sample is focused to ideally flow one cell at a time through a laser beam, where the light scattered is characteristic to the cells and their components. Cells are often labeled with fluorescent markers so light is absorbed and then emitted in a band of wavelengths. Tens of thousands of cells can be quickly examined and the data gathered are processed by a computer.
