Versionen im Vergleich


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Needs: post it, pen, at least 2 students (best with 4-7 students)

Warm-up (not mandatory):

For a small warm-up, the teacher can start with questions/tasks to get into the topic:
“Name characters you know from Robin Hood.”
“Is there something that makes those character special for example in terms of their look or behavior?”


One student gets chosen or volunteers to be the questioner. The other students will get the task to silently write down a character from Robin Hood on one post-it. After that, they have to stick the post-it on the student who got chosen as the questioner. Now the questioner can start asking questions and the other students have to answer with „yes“ or „no“"yes" or "no".

The teacher can limit the questions and also let the students act out the character to make it clearer and easier for the questioner if help is needed.

But also the play can be put on a more difficult level by not only using characters from Robin Hood but also using animals or objects which are typical for the Robin Hood Theme (e.g. horse, rat, bear, crown, sword, ...)