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The activity starts with a short introduction, where in which the teacher asks the students if they have a dream job and if they would like to tell the group about it. After the introduction, the students choose a card which is faced down. These cards contain different jobs. Once they know what the job means (they can ask if they are not sure), they are then asked to think of a single pose or movement that encapsulates what this job, in their opinion, is about. After about a minute of consideration, everyone who feels confident in their pose or movement is asked to act it out in front of their classmates. While they are acting it out, it is important for the other students to observe what their classmate is doing and , as they are only allowed to make a guess once the teacher asks them "What is he/she doing?" or "What job is he/she acting out?" The teacher could ask the students not to shout out what their classmate are doing. Instead, the instructor could ask them to wait until after their classmate has finished.

Depending on the time left, teachers could follow up this activity with another group activity, in which every group member is asked to act out the pose resembling the job they liked the most at the same time. This might help less outgoing students to also take part in a this dramatic activity. 

Target group and Time

Target group: Grades 5 and 6; vocabulary and instructions can be adjusted according to the grade one is teaching.

Time: 3 minutes for the first introductory phase beginning explanation and then leave as much time as needed for the main activity. This is necessary in order to accommodate differing comfort levels of the students and/or groupsbecause the number of students who feel comfortable could vary greatly between the various groups and different grades.

Learning objectives

General: With this teaching activity, teachers aim at helping to help students understand what tasks are required by different jobs, including their dream jobs, require, and how .  It aids the ability to describe these tasks. If they lack certain vocabulary, they also have the opportunity to learn the names of certain jobs in English and how to describe them. "Describing" here refers to two ways of depicting an activity: Using their bodies to express their thoughts and verbally expressing what a job entails.
