Versionen im Vergleich


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Time: 3 minutes for the beginning explanation and then . Then leave as much time as needed for the main activity. This is necessary because the number of students who feel comfortable could vary greatly between the various groups and different grades.

Learning objectives

General: With this teaching activity, teachers aim to help students understand what tasks are required by different jobs, including their dream jobs.  It aids the ability to describe these tasks. If they lack certain vocabulary, they also have the opportunity to learn the names of certain jobs in English and how to describe them. "Describing" here refers to two ways of depicting an activity: Using their bodies to express their thoughts and verbally expressing what a job entails.

Vocabulary: Every student is supposed should to learn the vocabulary for 5-10 job descriptions by looking at the cards and the performance of their fellow students. Furthermore, they learn verbs related to the actions, e.g. "cooking" or "performing".

Grammar: Most of the time, the students are required to use the progressive tense, though the tenses used may vary if necessary.

Instructions to set up the activity
