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Nov 03: Lígia Fonseca Coelho, "Catalogue of colors of life in ice - a guide to search for extra-terrestrial life"

Nov 10: Maja Bunke (master's), "Influence of Surface Topography on the Steady State Dust Ejecta Clouds around Atmosphereless Moons"

Nov 17: Alessandro Airo, "The Atacama Desert: Mars Analog and Cosmic Dust Repository"

Nov 24: Yaowen Luo, "Constraint on palaeohydrological activities from deltas on Mars"

Dec 1st: Natalie Wolfenbarger, "Terrestrial Constraints on the Distribution of Brine in Europa's Ice Shell"

Dec 8:

Dec 15: Yu Tao

Summer term 2022:

Apr 28 (04:30 PM!): Maximilian Hamm: "LRAD – The Radiometer of the Lunar South Pole Hopper µNova"
