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Get a lab tour, practical training and introduction based on the biolab agreemenby one of the Biolab technicians (sent an Eamil to Elisa, Johanna or Britt )  AND beforehand follow these 5 steps

  1. Listen to the oral safety instruction for the Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (obligatory once a year) and become familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules

  2. Fill the transoponder form including the third page "Questionnaire for Occupational Health Care" and bring it with you for approval to appointment with the biolab technicians

  3. Apply with zedat for an FUB zedat account

  4. Subscrivbe to the Biolab Email Listand if you like, join the biolab whatsapp group for fast exchange of information:

  5. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS; the linked BioSupraMol page contains all important information and hand-outs for getting started, registering, and about booking devices and services

If you passed the intro and you got transponder access some more action for full access is needed:
