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The procedure to get access to the OM facility is as described below. Please contact us after finishing the below described procedure:

  1. Follow the instructions on the How-to-Start: Biolabs & Optical Microscopy webpage.
  2. Make an appointment with the OM keyuser* of your research group, to get practical training (2-3 session with your own samples) & intro in the Guidelines for the Optical Microscopy and the BioSupraMol User Guidelines, the data handling (network) as well as the SupraFAB House Rules carefully.
  3. Watch the mandatory OM video tutorial and the optional video about confocal microscopy.
  4. Subscribe to the OM Email list. You can use the Email list ( to sent an Email to all user.
  5. Register yourself to the booking tool OpenIRIS; follow carefully step-by-step the discription and hand-outs in the BSM page for getting started, registering, and booking devices and services.
  6. Ask your keyuser to add your zedat account to the BCP-storage in the MI portal.
  7. After succesfull training, fill  the participant introduction list, ask your keyuser to confirm your succesfull training by signature as responsible trainer and send both forms to Katharina Achazi and Marta Maglione.

*if you do not know who is your OM Keyuser or your group is a new user group and has no OM Keyuser, contact Katharina Achazi and Marta Maglione.