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E. coli BL21(DE) Ril



Characteristics e.g. sensitizing or toxic effects, resistance to antibiotics

Chloramphenicol resistance, E. coli B F– ompT hsdS(rB– mB–) dcm+Tetr galλ(DE3) endA Hte [argU ileY leuW Camr]

Approved as biological safety measure if taken as recipient organism for genetic engineering?

Genetically modified (GenTSV)

E. coli B F– ompT hsdS(rB– mB–) dcm+Tetr galλ(DE3) endA Hte [argU ileY leuW Camr] → S1

Risk group (BioStoffV)


Risk assessment

Storage location of aliquots in the Biolab (just click Bearbeiten in the right corner of the header to add or change information in the table and use the menue in the left header to e.g. add a row)

sourcebacterial strainfreezing dateamount of bacteria  per vialstock was produced onno. of aliquotsbelongs to
(full name)

rack/box in N2 tank or -80°C freezer and  location (room, address)

Wahl Group

03.11.21100 µL
ZymoBroth15Robyn Diehn (AG Lauster)
B6 -80 °C


Bacteria for heterologous protein production → has additional tRNAs for rare E. coli codons

Cultivation and freezing protocols

Data sheets, further information