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You will have to find a supervisor for your master’s thesis. Normally, you ask one of the people on the list of official supervisors at the Institute. Under special circumstances, you can also ask an external supervisor. Note that external supervisors must hold a PhD and have to be approved by the examination board. A second supervisor is usually appointed by the Examination Board. You can, however, suggest a second supervisor. It is also important to consider that the lecturers have limited capacities. Therefore, you are strongly advised to approach potential supervisors as early as possible (i.e. at least six weeks before the official registration date). Moreover, you should approach them with a short exposé, highlighting your research question, its relevance as well as first ideas about your theoretical framework and methodology.

There are normally four registration dates per year. Although they may slightly change every year, there are two possible dates for registration usually at the beginning and at the end of the semester. The official registration dates will be communicated by the examination office. Please also check the website of the examination office for all necessary documents you have to hand in when registering your master’s thesis. After you officially registered the master’s thesis, you will have 22 weeks to finish your thesis and submit the final version within this time period. Considering the official registration dates and procedures, you can find up to date information in this webpage (in German). For further general

For further important information on the master’s thesis and a helpful brochure “How to write a master thesis?”our helpful Master's Thesis Guidelines, please visit our website 

 For detailed information on our Institute’s formal requirements, please see here.

 You can find the updated list of supervisors for your master’s thesis here.