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April 20: Imaging subgroup progress report and Clara Schmidt: "Extracting archaeal membrane lipids"

April 27: Cosmic Dust subgroup progress report, Alice Bellec: "Magnetosphere / dust interaction" and Judith Bloema: "Hydrothermal experiments for Enceladus"

May 04: Frank Postberg: "Phosphates from Enceladus Ocean"

May 11: Greg Michael: "HRSC high altitude colour mosaics of Mars"

May 18: - no seminar -

May 25: tbd

June 01: Edwin Kite

June 08: tbd

June 15: tbd

June 22: Chris Glein

June 29: tbd

July 06: tbd

Winter term 2022/2023:

Oct 20: Imaging subgroup report and Lucia Hortal, "Introducing the Windsled: SOS Arctic 2022 expedition"
