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Why do I need this?

The BCP-storage file system is intended for long term storage of measurement (raw) data captured by a measurement computer as well as transfer of measurement data to your own computer or research group drive as becuse of data safety reasons USB devices should not be connected to measurements computers.

For data from Devices in SupraFAB as well as in themeasurement room Taku3, you can use the BCP-storage network drive suprafab-analytics network drive for data transfer.

For Major Instrumentation of the Electron Microscopy, Optical Microscopy, Microfluidics, PharmaMS & Surface Analytics Facility, device specific network drives are available that should be used for data transfer & long-term storage of (raw) data (up to 10 Years).

Note: The BCP-storage is currently free of charge, but may be charged in the future.


For detailed instructions, register your zedat account on and read carefully the Read Me instructions.

Short info: Using Network Drives to Safe Meaurement Data

  1. Get your zedat account registered to the BCP-storage by asking your group's BCP-storage manager or your research group head (guide for BCP-storage managers or group heads - you need to register with your zedat account on
    Note: In case your group is not using the BCP-storage until now, the head of the research group need to contact Mathias Dimde (Coordinator of the Core Facility) to get your group added as BCP-storage user group.
  2. (Optional) In case you want to use the BCP-storage for data from major instrumentation, contact the respective facilities(see below) for access and provide (a) User name, (b) ZEDAT account, (c) Research lab & (d) Device folder:
    • Electron Microscopy Facility, contact: Kai Ludwig (
    • Optical Microscopy Facility, contact: Katharina Achazi (
    • Microfluidics Facility, contact: Katharina Achazi (
    • PharmaMS Facility, contact: Jan Joseph (
    • Surface Analytics Facility, contact: Philip Nickl (
  3. Mount the BCP-storage network drive by using the mount button on the desktop (never mount via the win explorer), entering your zedat account name and the password (you will not see any inpout).
  4. Safe your data in your work groups folder in a folder with your zedat name (nor your name) and use the follwoing data naming convention: YYYY-MM-DD_<zedat-account>_<experiment_name> (do not use empty spaces in a name).
  5. Disconnect network drive by using the unmount button.
  6. For further processing transfer data to your on computer or workgroup drive (store only not processed raw data on the BCP-storage). To access data on your own computer, read How-to map the BCP-storage network drive on your PC.

If you are not on campus (connected to ZEDAT-network/WIFI), you have to connect your computer via VPN in advance.

Furrther instructions

How to install the suprafab-analytics mount and unmount button on a measurement or multi-user computers

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