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May 23 (not May 25th!) 3 PM:  Gabriel Tobie (Nantes): "Tides in the Jupiter system and beyond: a driver for the habitability of ocean worlds" (room tbd)

June 01: Edwin Kite:   "Sustaining the connections that allow a sub-ice ocean to erupt into space on Saturn’s moon Enceladus (and Jupiter’s moon Europa?)"

June 08: tbd Daniel Schirdewahn (Uni Potsdam), "Unmixing the Dust – Is There a Cleaning of Saturn's Rings?"

June 15: 3 PM: Partha Berap.m., Partha Bera (Uni Berkeley), “Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Formation and Destruction of Bare and H2O-Cluster Bound Organic Molecules”

June 22: Chris Glein (Southwest Reserach Institute Texas: „Geochemistry of Enceladus’ ocean” (preliminary title)

June 29: tbd: Maxwell Craddock (ELSI, Tokio): "Simulating Enceladus’ organic synthesis by hydrothermal processing and freeze cycles"

July 06: tbd

July 13: tbd

July 20: tbd: Ralf Jaumann (FUB): "20 years Mars Express: a historic science review” (preliminary title)

Winter term 2022/2023:

Oct 20: Imaging subgroup report and Lucia Hortal, "Introducing the Windsled: SOS Arctic 2022 expedition"
