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h5. Beach Sand, Oregon, USA

| !Oregon_coast_scen.jpg|thumbnail! | | !2_1.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Erosive coast near Florence, Oregon \\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location:* \\ | Coast near Florence, Oregon |
| *Depositional facies:* \\ | High energetic-energy, erosive beach |
| *Provenance:* \\ | Magmatic arc outcrops, low-grade metamophic rocks |
| *Composition:* \\ | QuarzQuartz (wahrscheinlichlikely from PRF), andesitischeandesitic undand basaltischebasaltic VRF, wenigea few dioritischedioritic PRF undand subvulkanischesubvolcanic undand niedriggradigelow-grade MRF |
| *Texture:* | Mittelkörnigmedium-grained, jerounding moderately nachto Härtegodd mäßig(depending bison gutmineral gerundethardness), sehrvery gutwell sortiertsorted |

h6. Petrographic thin section:

| *Description:* | veryclear clearmonocrystalline quartz in thin section (volc?), VRF, ch, silt (brown, rounded), hints of resolution embayments, accessory amph, epi, silif'dsilicified VRF, zoned plag |

| !2-IMGP4999.jpg|thumbnail! | | !2-IMGP5000.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\
{table-cell} | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | Heubeck0002 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin |
| *Date of sampling* | 1999 |

h6. Comments:

Typische Zusammensetzung von einem teilweise erodierten magmatischen Bogen auf kontinentaler Kruste. Küstenfoto vonA typical composition of a sand from a partly eroded magmatic arc on continental crust, exposing volcanic, metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Coastal photo from, bis eigenes Foto geladen

[Additional data page|geowisssand:0002 Additional data]