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h5. Volcanic beach sand, Devil's Island,


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Devil's Island


Coarse beach sand





| !devils_island_ant_scen.jpg|thumbnail! | | !Devils_Isl_Antarc_mak.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Devil's Island \\ 
{table-cell} | Coarse beach sand |

| *Location* \\ | Beach on Devil's Island, West Antarctica, (63°48'S, 057°17'W ; E. of James Ross




mafic to intermediary volcano




Pyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase, opaque ore minerals


Petrographic thin section:


In the bright field you can identify the olive green amphiboles and the black ore minerals. The translucent minerals in the dark field show coloures of first and second order; also the cleavability indicates clinopyroxenes

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Bright field


Dark field




Coarse sand (ca. 1500 µ), very poorly sorted, rounded

Sample number


Date of sampling


Dr. Bernd Weber, Potsdam

September 2005




 Island) |
| *Depositional facies* \\ | _replace this with text about the dep facies_ |
| *Provenance* \\ | Mafic to intermediary volcano |
| *Composition* \\ | Pyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase, opaque ore minerals |
| *Texture* | Coarse sand (ca. 1500 µ), very poorly sorted, rounded |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description* | In the bright field you can identify the olive green amphiboles and the black ore minerals. The translucent minerals in the dark field show coloures of first and second order; also the cleavability indicates clinopyroxenes |

| !Devils_Isl_ANT_ts_II_sm.jpg|thumbnail! | | !Devils_Isl_ANT_ts_x.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\ 
{table-cell} | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | heubeck0069 |
| *Collector* | Dr. Bernd Weber, Potsdam | 
| *Date of sampling* | September 2005 |

h6. Comments:

This beach sand is remarkable because of the predominance of physical weathering and the good preservation of chemically susceptible minerals

_replace this text with link to daughter page (Additional data page)_