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Sands are fascinating objects of studies for the layman and the expert alike


. Each sample reflects a multitude of factors which have affected its texture (size, sorting, rounding) and mineralogical composition. These factors are thus represented in each sample, can be documented, compared and calibrated against known influences. Sands can be considered players in the Earth's everlasting cycle of weathering, transport, sedimentation, daiagenesis, metamorphism und uplift. They are the product of the brindging between regions undergoing erosion and regions allowing sedimentation and thus yield informations on both. In addition, sands are the pre-stage to sandstones of the subsurface which act as reservoir to oil, gas, and water.

This wiki is meant to provide a base for the scientific study of natural sands by allowing contributors to add their own samples. I encourage the addition of typical or of exotic sands if they are well documented and appropriately described.

Please browse through the database ("Blättern") or add your own sample. |