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h5. Ooid Sand, Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA

| !Niklas_schauberg_Saltaire.jpg|thumbnail! | | !SL_Ooids_NA33_makro_1600.jpg|thumbnail! |
| South coast of Great Salt Lake {table-cell:width=30%} {table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location:* | South coast of Great Salt Lake; Saltaire Beach Resort near exit of I-80; 40º44'51.98"N,112º11'16.92"W |
| *Depositional facies:* | Low energy beach; possibly episodical reworking in small beach dunes |
| *Provenance:* | Local shallow water formation; precipitation of CaCO3 in evaporatively oversaturated water through microbial participation; input of crystal nuclei through eolian or fluvial processes |
| *Composition:* | Carbonate envelope around a detrital nucleus |
| *Texture:* | High textural maturity: very well sorted and rounded, high sphaericity (partly elongate-ellipsoidal), whitish surface, fine sand (160 to 250 μm) |

h4h6. Petrographic thin sections:
| !0016_th_s_II_1400.jpg|thumbnail! | _replace this text with description of thin section_ | !0016_th_s_X_1400.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field | | Dark field |

| *Sample number:* | heubeck0016 |
| *Collector:* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin |
| *Date of sampling:* | 1991 |