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h5. Eolian Dune Sand, Troy Dry Lake, California, USA

| !cd3-057h_reduced.jpg|thumbnail! | | !15_1.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Troy Dry Lake \\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location:* \\ | _replace this with text about location/coordinates_Minneola Road, Try Dry Lake, 15 km east of Barstow, Mojave Desert, California, USA |
| *Depositional facies:* \\ | _replace this with text about the dep facies_ Eolian dune |
| *Provenance:* \\ | _replacecalcareous this with text about provenance of the sand_beach sediments |
| *Composition:* \\ | _replace thiscalcarous, with textlithics about composition_ |
| *Texture:* | _replace this with text about texture_ well sorted, medium grained, well polished surfaces of calcarous grains due to eolian processes |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| _insert here a bright field image_ | _insert here short description of thin section_ | _insert here a dark field image_ |
| Bright field {table-cell:width=30%} | Dark field  |

| *Sample number* | _replace this with sample number_ |
| *Collector* | _replace this with name and institution of collector_ | 
| *Date of sampling* | _replace this with date of sampling_ |

h6. Comments:

_replace this text with further comments about the sand ecc._