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h5. Name of Sand, geographical origin

| _insert here an image of the area/surroundings_ !8-salisbury_kopsm.jpg|thumbnail! | | _insert here a macro image_!8_1.JPG|thumbnail! |
| _replace this with the caption to image above_ \\
{table-cell} | _replaceQuartz thisand with the caption to image above_potassium feldspar |

| *Location:* \\ | Salisbury Kop, Transvaal, South Afrika; south of Kruger Park |
| *Depositional facies:* \\ | Dry runlet with bushes at foot of outcrop |
| *Provenance:* \\ | Orthoclase rich granite |
| *Composition:* \\ | Nearly only quartz und feldspar, few mica |
| *Texture:* | Very poorly sorted, angular |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description:* | Im Hellfeld bleiben Quarz und Feldspat ähnlich transparent. Das Einbettungsmaterial ist mit vielen Körnern verunreinigt. Im Dunkelfeld sind der klare Quarz und der trübere, von Rissen durchzogene Kalifeldspat klar zu unterscheiden |

| !8-IMGP5007.jpg|thumbnail! | | !8-IMGP5008.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field | | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | Heubeck0008 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin | 
| *Date of sampling* | 1990 |

h6. Comments:

The Salisbury Kop Pluton has an age of 3080+-5 Ma

_replace this text with link to daughter page with additional data (Additional data page)_