Versionen im Vergleich


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materials: Bluetooth speaker, recorded sounds, cards 

 Preparation: The teacher chooses hobby vocabulary that should be practiced, records sounds that correspond to the hobbies and prepares cards with each hobby written on it. 

Letting it run

Students stand in a circle and are introduced to the game as follows: “Today we are going to play a game called Hobby Mystery. You are going be to detectives and have to find out the hobby. You will listen to a sound, act out your guess and then we will discuss your idea.. It is helpful if the teacher demonstrates the instructions using gestures: listen to the sounds (putting your hand to your ears), act out your guess (acting out a few hobbies e.g. kicking a ball, running…), discuss your answer (point to the head and mouth). 

When the students have understood the instructions, the activity starts. The teacher plays the sound twice and the students have to act out their guess without speaking first. Next, the discussion phase begins. The teacher asks the students what they have heard and which hobby the sound represented. The teacher can refer to the students as detective (name of student). The students get to explain their movements and their associations to the sound. It gets quite interesting if the students did do different movements and connected the sound to different hobbies. 
