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My goal is to create This activity creates a fairy tale in which famous characters from other different fairy tales would meet. The focus of the activity is to develop the oral comprehension skills using movement and to have fun while doing it.


This activity is suitable for a wide target group. According to the difficulty of the story to present, the target group could go to grade3 from grade 3 to grade 6. This activity doesn't require a high level of competences or abilities, thus it can be done with young children. On the other hand, regardless of the grade, but students should have a good english preparation command of English in order to be able to understand a the whole story in english. The lenght length of the story can vary, in any case this but should take about 10 minutes. 

Learning objectives

Oral comprehension, direction vocabulary, following and performing motorial orders actions.

Instructions to set up the activity

Create the story or use a short story already invented. Create the symbols that represent the characters. For my story I drew 4 symbols:

  • Little red riding hood: the Red Riding Hood: a red hooded cape and the a basket 
  • Peter Pan: the a green hat with the a leaf 
  • The three little pigsThree Little Pigs: three pig noses
  • Sleeping Beauty: the a sleeping beautygirl

Since the job of the students is to act out what the characters do, during the story telling showing the signs would help the students to understand which character to act. 

Find setting references in the space where the activity takes place. For example, if it the story takes place outside, spot a particular three, tree or a bush , ... to include in the story.

Letting it run


The story can be invented or can already exists, the . The teacher can modify it along the way, according to students' reactions and capability. Here is my story. My story:

Cappuccetto Rosso's Afternoon Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl (show Little red riding hood Red Riding Hood sign) who was walking through a wood and picking flowers from the ground because she had to go was going to her grandma's house to bring her marmalade and cookies. But this girl, whose name was Cappuccetto Rosso, was a the pretty distracted type and couldn't remember the right way. She looked left, she looked right. She looked down, she looked up at the sky. Oh, what was over there? A weird and funny creature was flying there (show Peter Pan sign). It was Peter Pan, a little boy who reeeeallly enjoyed flying up, and down, and up, and down. 

She Cappuccetto Rosso asked him: heyHey, hey you. ! Can you help me? Where Which way should I go to get to my grandma? 

He Peter Pan replied: just Just go past that big tree and turn left, and you will find your way.

So Cappuccetto Rosso (show Little red riding hood Red Riding Hood sign) went to the big tree, and turned left.

There she saw Tre Porcellini (show the three little pigs The Three Little Pigs sign) building three tiny houses. Tock, tock tock. “Hey, hey!” She called. Where should I go to get to my grandma??

And the Tre Porcellini replied: just do Just jump three jumps times forward, a twirl (show what a twirl is with a mimic), go right after that tree and you will find your way.

So she did three jumps, a twirl, and went right after the tree. But wait! She almost stepped on something! Or someone? There was a beautiful girl lying there, she was the Bella Addormentata. (show Sleeping Beauty sign). So she Cappuccetto Rosso called out to her and asked: Hey, hey, hey hey! Can you show me the way?

But she Bella Addormentata was sleeping so deeply and peacefully, that she didn’t wake up. So Cappuccetto Rosso (show Little red riding hood Red Riding Hood sign) decided to lie down beside her, enjoying enjoy the beautiful sky and postpone the trip to her grandma's house until tomorrow..