Versionen im Vergleich


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Instructions to set up the activity

materialsMaterials: Bluetooth speaker, cards, and recorded sounds (for sample sounds see below)
resource for sounds: 

Preparation: The teacher chooses hobby vocabulary that should be practiced, records sounds that correspond to the hobbies and prepares cards with each hobby written on it.

For a resource for additional pre-recorded hobby sounds see:

Letting it run

Students stand in a circle and are introduced to the game as follows: “Today we are going to play a game called Hobby Mystery. You are going be to detectives and have to find out the hobby. You will listen to a sound, act out your guess and then we will discuss your idea.“ It is helpful if the teacher demonstrates the instructions using gestures: listen to the sounds (putting your hand to your ears), act out your guess (acting out a few hobbies e.g. kicking a ball, running…), discuss your answer (point to the head and mouth). 
