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“Create your own dinosaur” is a fun und and creative activity where the children get to put together a collage of 6 different dinosaurs to create their very own, all while they learn to connect verbs to movements. The possibilities seem are endless as because every child has can come up with something completely unique.


This activity is suitable for most children who have started learning English since the sentence structure is easy and they only have to find matching verbs to what their dinosaurs can do. Not understanding the words should not prevent the children from participating as each verb will be visualized by movement. Therefore I’d say this This activity can be used from 4th grade to 6th grade and adapt the difficulty level and should not last longer than 15-20 minutes in total.

Learning objectives

For The teaching session’s learning objectives are matching verbs to actions and the respective dinosaur while acting them out and describing what their dinosaurs can do by using the same vocabulary we have been using in that session. e.g.: the vocabulary from the session. Put in simple words, this means that children jump when the matching verb for one of the dinosaurs is “jump” and can describe whether or not their own dinosaur can jump.

Instructions to set up the activity

The teacher provides pictures of dinosaurs (include including their names) and under each picture needs to be a card with a verb that describes the movement they are known for.


Their task is to cut out whatever bodypart of body parts from the dinosaurs of their choice they choose and create their own. There are no rules whatsoever when it comes to the creative part creating, as they can completely ignore the original physique of the animals.

Once everyone is done creating their dinosaur you can move on to the next task of writing down what your dinosaur can do. You will find an unfinished sentence on the task sheet and let the children fill out the rest Following the pattern below, children write down sentences by observing which dinosaurs they used for body parts and what they their new dinosaur can do.

“My dinosaur can…“
