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This game is equivalent to the German game "Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit ..." which is a word game about packing a suitcase for an imaginary trip. Going along with the theme of being in nature, camping is a natural topic. So As camping means living outdoors there are a few things one would need so instead of 'packing a suitcase' I let the kids pack their backpacks for their imaginary outdoors experience.

Target group and Time

The target group were 11 year old children in grade 5 and the activity stretched over 12 minutes. I think it is also possible to play the game with younger children. The degree of difficulty of the words used can be adapted to the age and knowledge of the students.


I asked the children to come up with words that I wrote down on the blackboard to provide them with visual aid. Some words the students named were for example: "tent, water bottle, sleeping bag, flashlight, lighter". For the second or third round it might also work to remove the words from the blackboard because by this point they are used to the flow of the game.
