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I created this activity because I thought it was interesting to introduce the types of dinosaurs through acting. This could be an introductory activity to the topic since it is a quick game that can be used as an initial warm-up activity. 


  • Acquire new vocabulary (in this case adjectives; parts of a dinosaur's body; and verbs; actions that dinosaurs perform)
  • Improve oral expression skills
  • Achieve empathy among peers


Each participant will receive a small card with the name of a dinosaur, the picture of the dinosaur and 3 characteristics (vocabulary, adjectives and verbs). The participants will have 3 minutes to 3 their card even though they can keep it with them the whole activity to help them out with what they want to say.


The participants have to present which dinosaur they are in front of the group , by acting like a real dinosaur. 

The "teacher" will start , by giving the an example , in front of the group, using a different voice, making movements, acting like a dinosaur.  
