Versionen im Vergleich


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You can do a short intro where you explain to the group that they're in a dark forest in which they see an animal. (Doing this activity outside on a sunny day invites learners to enjoy the irony of the situation.)  After that, you can tell them that they are visiting a sketch artist and are trying to describe the animal. Since it was dark, no one is sure what exactly they saw so they can start naming body parts and to what animal they belonged to. The participants can then follow the template sentence: "I saw an animal. It had ______ (body part) like a/an ______ (animal). The drawer then follows what the rest of the group says and draws based on what's been said. Preferably, you'd want the drawing to be kept for a surprise reveal at the end. The drawing ends up looking like a Gruffalo-style monster with body parts belonging to different animals and not necessarily an amount a number that is assumed an animal would have (e.g. 8 bear-sized legs). It would also be a good idea to show After showing the group what it the animal looks like and then give it , it is  a good idea to give the creature a name.