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OM Analysis PCsSoftware:

University-wide licensed software packages and standard solutions for editing, video production, literature management, scientific work such asAdobe Acrobat, MS Office, EndNote, MATLAB, Mestrenova or Stata can be selected and installed on the software page of ZEDAT.


  • FlowJo can be used to analyse flow cytometry data, the FlowJo Software License-Dongle can be booked via OpenIRIS (use and registration see here):
  • Fiji is an image processing package - a “batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ2, bundling a lot of plugins which facilitate scientific image analysis. Tutorials from the OM facility for using Fiji are available here: Image Analysis with Fiji.
  • Leica LAS X is the software platform for all Leica microscopes: It integrates confocal, widefield, stereo, super-resolution, and light-sheet instruments from Leica Microsystems.
  • Imspector is the software from the Abberior STED micrscope.
  • Zen lite is the Zeis micrpscope software.
  • CFX Maestro 2.2 is the software of the BioRAD qPCR cycler.
  • Image Lab is the software for the BioRAD gel documentation system.
  • MO.Affinity and MO.Control is the software to operate the MST devices and to analyze MST data.
  • RTCA is the software for the real time cell analyzer (RTCA).
  • Origin is the software to analyse and fit data. Follow the protocol for the home use license of the physics department with the exception that you have to retreive the license key not by logging in to the physics departmnment but to the BCP department. To do so, install the software putty (, open the software after installing it and copy in the first empty line (Host Name or IP address) <>and press enter. In the new opening black window, write your zedat name and press enter. Then write your zedat name in the next line and press enter. Then in the next line type <show-origin-license-key> and press eneter. Confirm with <Y> for yes and the liecense key will be shown. Then continue with the protocol from the physics department using the license key obtained.
    In case you have a zedat adminbtred computer,
    contact Holger Gand (BCP IT admin).
  • ChemDraw is a draing program for chemical structures.
  • Cambridge Structural Database the Comprehensive Repository of Validated and Curated Small Molecule Organic and Metal-organic Crystal Structures.
  • Mestrenova is used to analyse NMR data.
  • LabFolder is an electronic laboratory notebook software and can be used from people of the department of biology, chemistry and pharmacy as well as vetenery medecine. To get access, read the LabFolder zedat information and you have to contact your research group head or the research group LabFolder manager (e.g. Labfolder manager AG Haag: Obida Bawadkkji).
  • BioRender is a web application that can be used to create scientific figures, diagrams, and illustrations from a scientifically accurate image library. There is a free version but for a premium version which allowed publishing of images you need a license. This can be ordered via zedat and should be done from your responsible research group head. AG Haag group members can get access via the Haag wiki.

The software


listed above is available




Analysis PCs bookable via OpenIris are also available in the Biolab office the Biolab Analysis PCs and the Analysis PCs of the Optical Microscopy (OM) bookable via OpenIris but need to be shared with students permanently using the office spaces which do not have to book and have priority (information see hereguests and students. The software GraphPad Prism is only available on some Analysis PCs of the Optical Microscopy (OM).