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Dec 21: Edwin Mahlo (FUB), about his Master’s project, "Revisiting the LDEX measurements of the Lunar dust cloud"

Jan 0111: Ina Plesa (DLR) , "Thermal Evolution and Interior Dynamics of Mars and Venus: Geodynamic Models and Observations"

Jan 18: Tina Rückriemen (DLR), Titel: TBD

Jan 25: tbd René Prissang, Titel: "3D Markov simulation- a tool with a high potential for space mining"

Feb 01: tbd

Feb 08: Kierra Wilk (Brown University/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), "Variations in Surface Adsorbed Water on Lunar Soils and Relevant Minerals"  and Subgroup and subgroup report Cosmics Cosmic Dust and icy moonsIcy Moons

Feb 15: tbd and Subgroup Mustafa Yucel (Institute of Marine Sciences Middle East Technical University, Turkey), "Can particle ejecta trace possible biogeochemistry in Ocean Worlds? An Earth-centric comparative analysis of how life shapes inorganic particle signatures in pelagic and deep-sea habitats."  and subgroup report Planetary Imaging

Summer term 2023:
