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List of topics:

Summer term 2024:

Apr 18: Mark Fox-Powell (The Open University, UK), The cold chemistry of cryovolcanism: Insights from experimental and natural analogues

Apr 25: Jessica Agarwal (University of Braunschweig), Decimetre-sized chunks at comet 67P and implications for understanding cometary activity

May 02: Namitha Baby (DLR), Deciphering terrain formation on Ganymede using impact craters

May 09: no seminar (holyday Himmelfahrt) May 16: Lucia Hortal and Maryse Napoleoni (FUB), Report on their antarctic expedition to acquire analogue samples for icy moons

May 23: Laura Garcia Gomez (Univ. of Malaga, Spain), Title: TBD

May 30: Jun 06: Jürgen Schmidt (FUB), A new model of the Enceladus plume

Jun 13:

Jun 20:

Jun 27:

Jul 04:

Jul 11: Alexa Schöpf (FUB/DLR) on her Master's Project: Long Term Change Detection on Mars using HRSC images in comparison to other multi-temporal image data sets

Winter term 2023/2024:

Oct 26: Mirandah Ackley & Marie Dannenmann (FUB) about their PhD projects: "Assessing the environmental effects in subsurface oceans of icy moons on potential extraterrestrial life - A proposal"
