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Waste separation and disposal of chemicals etc. should be done according to FUB's rules and institute rules and rules for Arnimallee 22

All S1 Bio waste is collected separately (labelled containers) and needs to be autoclaved! Afterwards the waste can be discareded as normal waste. waste containing hazardouz substances, that cen be evaporate during autuclave procedure, arem not allowed to autoclave. Another desinfectionmethods needs to be used (permission from authorities needed).

Collect sharp items (syringes, glass pipettes, glass slides, etc.) in special containers. Close the lid, if they are full (lid cannot be opened again) and autoclave them.

For BIO II waste, exztra precautions are needed:

Liquid waste must be collected with a plastic pipette inside the bench.

Solid and liquid waste needs to be autoclaved directly after work in an autoclave with exhaust air filter!

For disposal of other hazardous special waste, see this instructions:



S1 waste

Sharp items wast container

BIO II waste