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(All onlince resources last checked on 3.6.2011.)

Sam K. Amoo (2008): An Introduction to Namibian Law: Materials and Cases, 323.

Sam K. Amoo / Isabella Skeffers (2008): The rule of law in Namibia, in: Horn/ Bösl (eds.), Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Namibia, 17.

Sufian Hemed Bukurara (2002): Essays on Constitutionalism and the Administration of Justice in Namibia 1990-2002.

George Coleman/ Esi Schimming-Chase (2010): Constitutional jurisprudence in Namibia since Independence, in: Bösl/ Horn/ du Pisani (eds.), Constitutional democracy in Namibia: A critical analysis after two decades, 199.

Joe Diescho (2009): Namibia, in: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (ed.), Demokratie und Rechtsstaatsförderung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.

Manfred O. Hinz (1991/92): Die Verfassung Namibias (1990): Entwicklung, Hintergrund und Kontext, in: Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart N.F. 40, 653.

Manfred O. Hinz (2008): Traditional Governance and African customary law: Comparative observations from a Namibian perspective, in: Horn/ Bösl (eds.), Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Namibia, 59.

Manfred O. Hinz (2009): More administrative justice in Namibia? A comment on the initiative to reform administrative law by statutory enactment, Namibia Law Journal 1, 81.

Manfred O. Hinz (2010): Traditional courts in Namibia – Part of the judiciary? Jurisprudential challenges of traditional justice, in: Hinz (ed.), In Search of Justice and Peace: Traditional and Informal Justice Systems in Africa, 93.

Nico Horn (2008): International human rights norms and standards: The development of Namibian case and statutory law, in: Horn/ Bösl (eds.), Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Namibia, 141.

Stylianos-Ioannis G. Koutnatzis (2011): Verfassungsvergleichende Überlegungen zur Rezeption des Grundsatzes der Verhältnismäßigkeit in Übersee, Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 44, 32.

National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) (2004): Concern over judicial independence & integrity.

Katharina G. Ruppel-Schlichting (2008): The independence of the Ombudsman in Namibia, in: Horn/ Bösl (eds.), The Independence of the Judiciary in Namibia, 271.

Norman Tjombe (2010): Appointing acting judges to the Namibia bench: A useful system or a threat to the independence of the judiciary, in: Horn/ Bösl (eds.): The Independence of the Judiciary in Namibia, 2008.

Peter VonDoepp (2006): Politics and Judicial Decision Making in Namibia: Separate or Connected Realms?, Institute for Public Policy Research Briefing Paper No. 39.

Marinus Wiechers (2010): The Namibian Constitution: Reconciling legality and legitimacy, in: Bösl/ Horn/ du Pisani (eds.), Constitutional democracy in Namibia: A critical analysis after two decades, 45.

Further Reading

Anton Bösl/ Nico Horn/ André du Pisani (eds.) (2010): Constitutional democracy in Namibia: A critical analysis after two decades.

Geraldine Mwanza Geraldo/ Isabella Skeffers (2007): Researching Namibian Law and the Namibian Legal System.

Manfred O. Hinz/ Sam K. Amoo/ Dawid van Wyk (2002): The Constitution at Work: 10 years of Namibian nationhood.

Manfred O. Hinz (ed.) (2010): In Search of Justice and Peace: Traditional and Informal Justice Systems in Africa.

Nico Horn/ Anton Bösl (eds.) (2008): Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Namibia.

Nico Horn/ Anton Bösl (eds.) (2008): The Independence of the Judiciary in Namibia.

Christiaan Keulder (ed.) (2000, reprint 2010): State, Society and Democracy, A Reader in Namibian Politics.

Oliver C. Ruppel/ Lotta N. Amubnda (2011): The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia. Framework, Selected Legal Aspects and Cases.