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  1. Coupled with the pursuit of democratization, the actuality of the rule of law was included in the Freedom of Information Law in 2004 (Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Püblica Pública Gubernamental , 2002) – a groundbreaking regime installed during the fist government to defeat a 70-year single party rule.
  2. Similarly, the transition government brought the term to the first ever National Security Law, in force since 2005 (Ley de seguridad nacional , 2005). Accordingly, the maintenance of the rule of law is one of the powers of the Center for Investigation and National Security.
  3. Also in the area of security, the second transition government integrated “the rule of law” to describe the objective of the naval force in policing the borders at sea (Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal , 1976);
  4. The term was also used as a goal – along with democratization, sustainable development – of the Law of International Cooperation for Development, adopted in on April 6, 2011 (Ley de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo , 2011).
