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Thus, a paragraph was added to Article 138 stipulating that the President of the Republic shall exercise some of his competencies, as allocated by the constitution (Art. 137 of the Constitution), after the approval of the government, and others after taking its opinion. As from now, the Head of State, will have to get the assent of the government upon adopting regulations for the enforcement of laws (al-lawā'ih al-lāzima li-tanfīd al-qānūn, Article 144 of the Constitution), police control regulations (lawā'ih adabt, Article 145 of the Constitution), decisions necessary for the creation and organization of public services and interests (qarārāt al-lāzima li'inshā' wa-tanzīm al-marāfiq wa-l-maslāh al-'āma, Article 146 of the Constitution), as well as for promulgating the peculiar presidential decrees (qarārāt) with statutory legislative force (quwwat al-qānūn, Article 147 of the Constitution). The government will simply be consulted when the President adopts qarārāt quwwat al-qānūn by delegation from the Majlis ash-Sha'b (People's Assembly, Article 108 of the Constitution_), before declaring a state of emergency, or before ratifying important treaties (Article 148 of the Constitution and Article 151 para. 2 of the Constitution). Article 74 was also amended "to provide further safeguards" (Risālat ar-Ra'īs Mubārak_, 26 December 2006) around the exercise by the President of the Republic of his exceptional powers in case of danger threatening national unity or state security, or if an obstacle prevents the state institutions from fulfilling their constitutional roles. The exceptional powers of the Head of State should, however, not be mixed up with the declaration of a state of emergency, provided by Article 148 of the Constitution: The amended Article 74 requires that the danger be serious and imminent. Moreover, the President must consult the Council of Ministers before adopting any emergency measures. The amended Article 141, on the other hand, obliges the President of the Republic to consult the President of the Council of Ministers upon nominating or dismissing members of his government, while the head of government will simply give an opinion (Bernard-Maugiron 2008: 401 et seq.).
