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Thus, terminologically, Rechtsstaatlichkeit according to the Grundgesetz can be differed from individual human rights and from the principle of democratic rule. However, the parallel historical development of these conceps will always determine each others meanings, and they can only unfold completely embedded in a context that encompasses the whole canon. Even if the liberal and secular state may feed upon preconditions that it cannot guarantee itself (Böckenförde), it may intend to preserve the moral, social and political grounds of democracy and Rechtsstaatlichkeit by adequate institutional and legal structures. In this regard, the Grundgesetz not only contains the principle of the social welfare state as a binding constitutional objective (Art. 20 I GG), but it also allows public school supervision (Art. 7 GG), it ensures free information by broadcast and press (Art. 5 I GG), and it protects religiously guided conveying of values and meaning in an individual and a collective dimension (Art. 4 GG). Rechtsstaatlichkeit in the sense of a German understanding of the rule of law will always be bound to the context of the democratic and social constitutional state.


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