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h1. A. Definition

h1. B. Reasons for a sector specific regulation

h1. C. Reasons for a multi-sectorial regulation

h6. 1

The German model is a good example of how a multi-sectorial framework on regulation can work. The Bundesnetzagentur or The Federal Network Agency decides on cases in the fields of electricity, gas, telecommunications and post and the decisions are made by its Ruling Chambers. 

\- "The undertakings directly concerned may participate in the Ruling Chamber proceedings" 

\- "The business circles affected by the proceedings may be summoned" 

\- "The Federal Network Agency's decisions are based on the Telecommunications Act, the Postal Act and the Energy Act and can be challenged before court" 

\- "In case of a legal dispute neither the Regulatory Authority nor the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) can quash the decision made by the Ruling Chambers. In contrast to the provisions of the Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) a so-called ministerial decision is not foreseen" 

\- "The rulings by the Ruling Chambers on telecommunications and postal matters may be challenged directly before the Administrative Courts, and before the Civil Courts if energy matters are concerned. An appeal procedure is not foreseen" 

\- "Proceedings on the main issue do not have a staying effect"{footnote} (05/05/2012).{footnote}

h1. D. National regulatory regimes

h2. I. States with a sector specific regulation

h3. 1. State A

h3. 2. State B

h3. 3. State C

h2. II. States with a multi-sectorial regulation

h3. 1. State A

h3. 2. State B

h3. 3. State C

h2. III. States without a regulatory law

h3. 1. State A

h3. 2. State B

h3. 3. State C
{info:title=Publication Note}
Responsible: Freie Universität Berlin - vertreten durch den Präsidenten 
Authors:  {color:#000000}Thea Bygjordet Sveen{color}

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